#2) Skates, Trains and Blood on the Snow

In Santa land today, I worked the train set.

The trains were derailed and in the tinytrain 
village, the only thing moving was an electronic toy blonde ice skater.

Lying on the fake ice next to her was a tiny toy brunette skater.

Every so often, an electric current would run through the brunette skater's mechanism, causing her to twitch.

I told the patrons they were named Tonya and Nancy and that if you looked very closely, you could see a toy crowbar and toy blood on the tiny toy snow.

*Admittedly, this reference to the infamous US Figure Skating scandal is so 1994. It should be noted, however, that I did get a threatening letter from an Elf named Gilooly.
(No worries, he was fired shortly thereafter for making an Elf Sex Tape.)

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