#6) Please Don't Touch Me While I'm Sleeping

I’m stationed in House #3 with a guy I like to call, "Don't-Touch-Me-I'm-Comatose-Santa."

Whereas, Extremely Fabulous Santa is vibrant and demonstrative, "Don't-Touch-Me-I'm-Comatose-Santa" is the complete opposite.

He sits in the corner on his throne and sighs to himself in the first 5 minutes of our session.
He shakes his head back and forth and I wonder, "Is "Don't-Touch-Me-I'm-Comatose-Santa" depressed?"

because he is managing to majorly bring me down.

All of his visits with the families continue in this subdued manner.

"Perhaps he's hungover", I wonder.

"Perhaps he's Zen", I rationalize.

Finally, there is a slight break in the visitor
traffic and "Don't-Touch-Me-I'm-Comatose-Santa"
turns to me and drowsily says, "I have three jobs."

I nod my head knowingly and say something like, "Yeah, tough times."

He continues, "I wait tables at some restaurant at night. I sell merchandise for two crappy Broadway shows and I work part time in a law office."

"Four!", I say.


"Four. You work four jobs. Don't forget this...Santaland?"

"This isn't a job, this is my calling," he says with no irony whatsoever, as he languidly shifts in his perch.

"You're an inspiration to us all," I manage, as I stifle a yawn and a sob at the same time.

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